Thursday, February 18, 2010

NBC's Bad Decisions Have Cost Them

If you have watched T.V. at all within the last two months I am sure that you have heard about the whole late-night scheduling problems. These problems are the result of bad decisions that were made a few years ago to force Jay Leno out of his time slot and put Conan O'Brien in as his replacement on the Tonight Show. But this bad decision has led to even more bad decisions with their scheduling. NBC put Jay Leno on at nine o clock with his own show that has suffered very low ratings during the life of the show. In fact the rating were so bad that the local affiliates that show the news directly after the Jay Leno Show demanded that NBC replaces the show because their ratings were so low going into the news. So NBC decided to put Jay Leno back onto his old time slot and kick Conan O'Brien out of the network completely which has led to a backlash of criticism against NBC and Leno. All of these problems in accordance with other weak scheduling problems on the network has resulted in a 30% decrease in profits over the same quarter last year. Even with the Olympics on now they are losing in ratings to other networks such as Fox and ABC. I hope that NBC can clean up their act so that they can continue to provide quality programming for all to enjoy.

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