Thursday, February 4, 2010

Professionalism in the Classroom

Professionalism in the classroom is really acting the way you would act in a business situation. Basically you would just imagine how you would act while you were around your bosses and colleagues in your future career. How would you speak to them or act while they were speaking? That's how you should act in the classroom.

Specifically there are certain things that are very important. Most important to the classroom is that your behavior doesn't interrupt the teacher or distract others. Some good examples would be texting on your cell phone, talking to your neighbor, sleeping, and other distracting behaviors. The other side of the coin is that to be professional you must actively participate in what is going on in the classroom. If there is a discussion going on you must take part in it, or if the teacher asks a question you try to answer it or step aside while someone else does. To me the most important thing to remember is that to be professional in the classroom you are helping the learning in the classroom and not hurting it.

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