Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano

This volcano eruption is causing some real problems for all of the airlines in Europe. With all of the ash floating in the air, all of the flights in the region have been canceled. All across Europe flights have been grounded and these problems are costing the airlines a reported $200 million per day. That is a huge loss for the travel industry in Europe, and they don't really know how long this problem is going to last either. They do hope that some flights will be able to fly this week, hopefully as soon as Monday. Many officials are meeting to decide if whether they should seek other means for passengers to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Many are deciding if they should send some passengers on boats to get them back in the quickest way possible. I don't know what would be the best way to go about fixing this problem but it is very interesting to me to see how people cope with natural disasters. Some try to do the best they can while others just worry and fret.

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