Friday, April 2, 2010

Top Skills Employers Look For

I will look at some of the top skills that employers look for while seeking a new employer and I will do so in no specific order.

1. Communication Skills
2. Problem Solving Skills
3. Technical Competency
4. Determination
5. Ethics and Loyalty

In my opinion those are what employers feel are most important in a new employee. First is communication skills. Each prospective employee must be able to communicate, both written and oral. This includes the ability to communicate in writing with no errors and clearly, and verbally such as being able to work with a team and communicate clearly within an organization. Next is the ability to solve problems. Employers want to know that as an employee faced with a problem of any type, that we have the ability to fix it and move forward. Next of course the employer is looking for our competency in the desired field. Obviously this is why we are in school and work hard in school, to prove to employers that we can fulfill the desired responsibilities. Next I think employers look for determination in an employee because they want to know that we will work hard for them and get the job done. They want to know that we care about our work and will produce good results. Finally employers want an employee that wont be a liability and is honest in his or her work. They want an employee that shows ethics and values and shows that they wont cause further legal or ethical problems. Overall those are the top priorities that employers have in mind while looking for an employee and I hope that I can continue to develop them.

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