Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Real Top Movie of All Time

With the upcoming release of Avatar on DVD it has made me reflect on how everyone is saying that it is the top grossing movie of all time, which is a true statement. When you look at the total amount of money that it has made it is. It has grossed over $2.2 billion worldwide which is much more than any other movie ever. However when you adjust ticket prices for inflation and the overall theaters that are available, it is a completely different story. With those adjustments Gone With the Wind is the top movie of all time. The remaining top 5 movies are: Star Wars, The Sound of Music, E.T, and The Ten commandments. Avatar is number 14 on the top movie list. So when you really look at the big picture and the relative values of the movie prices at the time you get the real view of the top movies of all time.

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